Orlando, Florida Gay & Lesbian Wedding Photographer


Orlando, FL Same-Sex Wedding Photographer

Tampa, Orlando, Daytona  


A. Harris Photography - Mr. and Mr.San Fransisco Bridge
A. Harris Photography - lesbian Couple on the beach
A. Harris Photography - gay couple parkA. Harris Photography - Gay Couple Embrace
A. Harris Photography - Gay Couple Arch
A. Harris Photography - lesbian garden
A. Harris Photography - Photograph of gay wedding ceremony in black and white
A. Harris Photography - Bride black and white
A. Harris Photography - Lesbian Couple Kiss
A. Harris Photography - Lesbian Couple Enjoying The Outdoors
A. Harris Photography - The Souceys just married brides
A. Harris Photography - I kissed a girl... and I liked it! Lesbian couple.
A. Harris Photography - Photo of brides sitting under a tree
A. Harris Photography - Photo of brides sitting under a tree
A. Harris Photography - Photograph of military brides
A. Harris Photography - LGBT couple kissing by a tree
A. Harris Photography - LGBT couple kissing in a field
A. Harris Photography - Pick a Seat Not a Side Either Way its for a Bride
A. Harris Photography - Brides walking down the aisle
A. Harris Photography - Lesbian brides wedding dance
A. Harris Photography - They lived happily ever after





lesbian gay friendly wedding professional
















LGBT friendly wedding professional