EnGAYged Weddings


Basic Online Listing on EnGAYgedWeddings.com

Sign-Up Form for Advertising - Vendors Listed in the United Kingdom Directory

England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland


If you have any questions please call us toll-free at 00-1-855-IDO-LGBT or direct at 00-1-561-929-9929

  • This sign-up form will time-out if left idle for more than 10 minutes


After you complete and submit this form you will have the following options:

  • Proceed to the secure PayPal payment gateway and pay by VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX, or electronic check
  • Call us to pay by credit card over the phone
  • Request that we e-mail you an invoice so that you can pay by check or money order
  • Request that we call you to discuss your order details


1. Select an Advertising Package

On-line Advertising:

2. Enter Your Vendor Information For Your Advertisement

This Information will be used to create your advertisement and will be read by customers

Business Name:



Zip Code:

Contact Person for Customers:

e-mail Address:

Business Phone (with area code):


Website Address (or "none"):

Wedding Service Category:

3. Optional - Additional Wedding Service Categories

Optional 2nd Category (Additional $99 USD):

Optional 3rd Category (Additional $99 USD):

Optional 4th Category (Additional $99 USD):

4. Optional - Additional Country

Optional 2nd Country (Additional $99 USD):

Optional 3rd Country (Additional $99 USD):

Optional 4th Country (Additional $99 USD):

5. Optional - Areas You Serve Within the Country You Are Signing Up For

What would a customer type in to Google to find you?

  • List Counties, Municipalities, Districts, Metropolitan Areas, Regions, or Cities that describe the area that you serve
  • Include local terms (examples: Locals refer to Northern Virginia as "NOVA" and Orange County, CA is called "the OC")
  • Please note - we will not list areas in Countries that you are not signed up for


Areas You Serve:


6. Required - Your Business Text Description

This information will be used to create your advertisement and will be read by customers

Please describe your wedding services or products - 450 characters including spaces


Please Note - the text box below will only allow you to enter up to the maximum 450 characters including spaces


Text Description:

7. Required - Terms of Use Agreement

The EnGAYged Weddings, INC. Terms of Use Agreement

Terms of Use:


8. Required - Anti-Spam Question

Please answer The Anti-Spam Question Below to Confirm You Are a Human

(Hint: the answer is not case sensitive)


Test For Humans: Is ice hot or cold?