Albuquerque, NM Same-Sex Wedding Photographer


Photography Albuquerque, New Mexico LGBT Wedding Photographer

Albuquerque Metropolitan Area including Rio Rancho, East Mountains, Los Lunas and Belen; Santa Fe, Taos, Grants and Gallup




Ricci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian couple kissing
Ricci Photography New Mexico - Gay wedding ceremony
Ricci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian couple in a toast
Ricci Photography New Mexico - Gay couple holding hands laughingRicci Photography New Mexico -Gay couple company vehicleRicci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian brides on a light pole in the rain
Ricci Photography New Mexico - LGBT women kissing
Ricci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian brides intimate portrait
Ricci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian couple signing marriage certificateRicci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian couple being affectionateRicci Photography New Mexico - Lesbian couples kissing after the ceremony


lesbian gay friendly wedding professional
















LGBT friendly wedding professional